How to Assess Impact

by Saerom Choi and Nuno Delicado for SportImpact

Impact assessment may not be rocket science, but it is also not the most linear process. Unlike financial accounting, there are not yet Generally Accepted Impact Assessment Principles to follow. Or “impact accountants” that we can hire to prepare our impact reports. That may explain why, while agreeing assessing impact is important, many organizations still don’t do it and hesitate to make it a true priority.

1. Identify Objectives
2. Define the Theory of Change
3. Choose Indicators
4. Collect Data
5. Analyze Data
6. Report Impact
7. Take Action

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μ-Biz: Business Models for Serving the Poor

by Nuno Delicado and Andy Jiang

This report aims to examine market potential at the base of the pyramid (BoP), and provide large companies and entrepreneurs with an integrated set of strategies to tap into this market, in a bottom-up approach to development focusing on value creation by the private sector.

Download/read here.